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Enterprise News
Mr.Lu Zhikun(CEO) attended 2012 CRC Supply Meeting
2011-03-21 13:33:20

Mr.Lu Zhikun(CEO) attended 2012 CRC Supply Meeting(图1)On 21st March, 2012 CRC Supply Meeting was hold at Changchun Huatian Hotel, Mr.Lu Zhikun represented by Victall attended this meeting together with Mr. Qi Youfeng and Mr. Wei Hui.
       Among one hundred and thirty invited suppliers, we were awarded the 2012 Excellent Supplier as only one non-MOR owned enterprise among the three winners. Mr. Lu Zhikun delivered a speech at the meeting on subject of “gain friendship, seek common ground while reserving differences, win-win cooperation—zero delay in delivery, zero quality defect, zero customer complaint”. 
       Mr.Lu expatiated on management philosophy from the aspects of delivery, quality and service, and exchanged experience with CRC and the other suppliers in ensurance system of key quality characteristic, “whether process exists, whether process works, whether process has been implemented”, specialized management, IT application and after sales service. The speech was highly appraised by CRC leadership and all participants.

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