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Enterprise News
Domestic Projects Going Well
2012-07-03 13:43:05

        Recently, CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. has outperformed other bidders to win the bid for 50 fancy through trains for Guangzhou-Kowloon line by its tremendous technical strength and excellent technical scheme. The 50 25T through trains of Guangshen Railway Co., Ltd. for Guangzhou-Kowloon line involved in the bid include 40 cushioned-seat trains, five cushioned-seat combined baggage trains and five dining trains.

        This batch of fancy trains, based on 25T trains of the Ministry of Railways, massively absorb the advanced design elements of EMUs in body structure and passenger interface, introduce advanced design concepts and mature technologies such as rotary seat, window roller shutter, outside display and bar counter, have comprehensively raised the design and manufacturing level of 25T trains, and will become a new-type fancy train pioneering the upgrading of 25T trains.

        Through trains for Guangzhou-Kowloon line, which shuttle between Guangzhou East Railway Station and Hung Hom Station in Kowloon, Hong Kong, is an important traffic hub linking Hong Kong and Guangzhou that transport some three million passengers every year. The line is one of China’s busiest railway lines.

        Victall has participated in the bidding and competitive negotiation held by CSR Qingdao Sifang, and taken down 5 trainsets of dining tables and dining chairs, 28 trainsets of faced plywood. The formal contract will be signed in early Junly. The delivery start on mid-July, which is quite urgent, and we need full cooperation and support from all departments and subsidiaries.

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